"Book Clubs & Audio Books"
Welcome to week #3! This week we'll take a quick glimpse at what the general stages of reading are, and begin to take a look at your child's reading to begin to help you determine if you think your child is on the right track. We'll also take a look at the magic of book clubs, and how they can be a great tool to make great readers, and also we'll focus a bit on audio books, and what place they might have in the culture of reading you are building in your home.
Your Steps For The Week:
1. Reading aloud for at least 10 minutes a day to your child.
2. Having your child read aloud for at least 10 minutes each day, and charting it on your Reading Rewards incentive chart (& giving the incentive when earned!)
3. Reading labels & signs, etc. together when you are out and about life.
4. Head to the library at least once!
To Do's:
1. Take a look at the infographic shown, and think about where your child is along the path.
2. Print out the reading checklist (below) and consider it as your child reads. Make casual notes when you notice places your child could use some help. Next week we'll look more deeply at your notes to find struggle areas
3. Learn about book clubs and either 1) Join one with your child or 2) Start your own book club! You can refer to this article for ideas about book clubs:
4. At the library this week, help your child pick out and borrow an audio book!
5. Complete the suggested reading below.
A few notes:
**This graph is meant to be a very general reference. Your child could be somewhere between different stages of reading, and that is fine!
**Also, you could have a child in a more advanced level who has found coping skills to cover up an earlier skill not mastered. Let your child move along the path, but for struggle areas, keep teaching those skills until learned as they continue to grow.
**I have not included ages, only stages of reading here. The stages are what to watch for when considering where to teach and help your child. However, you should listen to your instincts. Even though kids do meet different developmental stages at different rates, if you feel your child is "stuck" somewhere or not "getting" something other children are, it can never hurt to ask the teacher about it, or head to a reading specialist for an assessment or guidance.

3. FREEBIES for teaching reading we have collected by amazing teachers and reading specialists! I'll keep adding to this list as I find them, so come back as often as you like! I'll keep posting this freebie weekly.
Click on that link, and you'll find freebies to learn sight words, phonics, writing, help for fluency, comprehension and more!
Suggested Reading/Listening:
1. Using Audiobooks to Read Aloud to Your Children
3. Creating a Book Club Culture at Home - Another from the Read Aloud Revival blog with Sarah Mackenzie (Can you tell I'm a fan?)
3. When Your Child Doesn't Learn to Read in Kindergarten - This is another blog (not mine!), and I do like it. She emphasized not stressing out too much if your child isn't reading when you expected him to. I'll add that, while I do agree with this, the truth is that if your child DOES have a learning disability, you want to start remediation sooner rather than later. (No pressure, I know!)
Have FUN and have a great week!
I hope to see you over in the Facebook group - and you are always welcome to reply to these e-mails.
I am rooting for you and your reader!

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