Teaching the Letter E to Preschoolers - Letter E Printables, Crafts, Activities, Songs, Videos, and More
You aren't burnt out on teaching the alphabet yet, are you? We've only made it to the fabulous Letter E!
If you put in just a teeny bit of effort ("E" is for effort, no pun intended), you can have a great time teaching your child this letter. It can be
Enjoyable, and even
Easy-as-pie! 🙂
I've compiled some fun ways to do that to get your creative juices flowing. You can check them all out below..
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Phonics Letter E Activities
Time to start thinking of awesome letter E activities! Here are a few ideas I'm coming up with off the top of my head, and I'm sure you can come up with your own creative ways. (Let us know yours all the way down the page in the comments).
How about:
Doing a mini-study on letter E animals? (Elephants, Eagles, Emus), and then taking the kids to the zoo to explore and see the animals up close?
Cooking or baking a Letter E snack or meal? (Eggs, Eggplant parmesan, Enchiladas, Eggrolls, Edamame)
or even
Explore the World for the Letter E? Take pictures with your phone, print out, then make a Letter E page. You can search for things like an envelope, someone's ears or eyes, the number eleven, an eraser, an elevator (or escalator), anything that is empty, or even a place to go out to eat! I'm sure you can come up with many more.
Here's a quick Letter E Craft I found for you on YouTube you can do with very little prep:
Letter E Preschool Worksheets
Worksheets and Letter E printables are great for reinforcing and practicing reading and writing the Letter E. I have a freebie printable that you are more than welcome to print out and use! You can grab that Letter E worksheet here:
Things that start with letter E for preschool
For Letter recognition of the Letter E, make sure you have examples of the Letter E all around your home or classroom.
I've already mentioned quite a few above. You can print out pictures of all these items and put them up all around as you teach the letter.
You can also specifically have your children pick out things that start with the Letter E so that they are recognizing it for themselves.
Here are a few more: Earplugs, Earmuffs, Earth, Earthworm, Electricity, Elmer's Glue
Show and tell letter E
Do you guys still do show and tell in your classrooms? I know it can be interrupting to all the many things that need to be done in a school day.
BUT don't you remember how much fun it was for you as a child? It's a gift to kids to be able to bring something meaningful from home.
So, be specific and ask your kids to bring something for show and tell as you are teaching the Letter E. You can do this for whatever letters you like!
Quick Public Service Announcement! Are you teaching the alphabet your kiddos? I just put up some fun activities and games for alphabet learners. And I bundled many of them together for only a few dollars. Posted here for you!
Toys that start with letter E
If you want to get crazy, you can specifically look for toys to have in the class or at home that start with the letter E. Here are some that you can grab from Amazon:
Letter E Books
A trip to the library to grab some Letter E books will GREATLY benefit your little E learner!
It's an excuse to get some wonderful reading in, and some read-aloud time taken care of.
You can choose picture books for independent reading, as well as more difficult Letter E books for when you read aloud. Check out this one - super easy - a little egg the children can color in and fold to have an "E" pop out of the egg.
Craft Ideas for Letter E
You can always come up with a really fun craft project that shows off the Letter E. Here is a super-cute craft for the Letter E you can consider:
Letter E Videos and Songs
Songs are one of the very best ways to teach those letter sounds. Look on YouTube for examples. Here are a few you can try:
Letter E story for preschool
Here's a cute little Letter E story for preschool, or any letter learners you have. It's a read aloud, so you can kick back and prepare the next lesson or cook dinner while your child is hearing a story:
Teaching the Letter E
I hope you are able to use these ideas as you are teaching your amazing kids all about the Letter E.
Also, don't forget to head over to check out your free Letter E Printable!

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