Letter G Activities, Letter G Printables, Letter G Crafts and MORE for Little Letter Learners
Well hello Letter G! You've made it to the truly Great and Gorgeous Letter G. Hopefully your beginning reader is on the right path, and really learning the letters of the alphabet with excitement and fun.
Below are some fun ideas for teaching the Letter G to your student(s). Although you WILL find printables for the letter G (free from me, too!), remember these two very important things:
1- Worksheets and printables should be for review and practice - not so much for introducing letters and sounds.
2- Teaching and introducing concepts (like letters and their sounds) should be through lots of activity. Get that whole body involved for better learning. (Think: kinesthetic/ body movement, fine motor (art, fingers), hearing (songs, rhymes), seeing, feeling, smelling (going outside, feeling something on the skin, smelling a smell, tasting a food).
THIS is the way to teach so kids can really understand letters and concepts.
Okay, enough! The Letter G awaits.
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Letter G preschool songs
Singing it out loud is a great way to help kids remember the letters of the alphabet. And there are so many cute little songs to choose from!
(Aside from, of course, the alphabet song).
There are even some fun songs for the Letter G. Here's a cute shareable one I found for you on YouTube from the makers of ABCmouse.com.
And remember, you can easily make up your own Letter G songs with tunes you already know. The kids aren't picky! They just love a fun song.
Letter G gross motor activities
To really get the whole body moving, consider some gross motor - specific activites to teach Letter G. Here's a list of gross motor Letter G ideas to try:
- Tape sheets of paper with a one letter written on each paper. Put a "G" on several sheets and have your child jump from letter G to letter G to get from one side of the room to the other.
- Walk like a Gorilla around the classroom.
- Go walk in the Grass in your bare feet!
- Blow Giant bubbles to teach the soft letter G.
- Work on some Gardening outside.
- Take out the Garbage (win for you!)
- Play hopscotch, jumping only on spots that have written in chalk the letter G.
- Play a game with Goals, like soccer or hockey.
Letter G crafts for preschoolers, toddlers, kindergarteners
There are a TON of ideas out there for letter G crafts for your preschoolers, toddlers, or kindergarteners!
I'll post a few fun YouTube videos I spied for you here. But you can also come up with your own! Paint a Gorilla, paste some Goldfish in the shape of a fish on a paper plate, make a spooky Ghost, or format a letter G into a Goat.
Letter G goose craft
This little paper plate goose is so cute! You can pick up these items from the grocery store, and grab some feathers from your local craft store, or Amazon:
G is for gumball craft
If you want to go ALL OUT, you can even make a gumball machine completely out of cardboard to teach the letter G! What kid won't like this?
(This is probably for older kids and a liiiiitle bit on the advanced side :), but you can get creative with a bit simpler gumball machine, I'll bet!)
Letter G craft printable (Letter G craft worksheets pdf format)
As always, there are a ton of ideas out there on Pinterest for your Letter G activities and crafts.
A few are just print and go! I found:
This cute bubblegum printable craft from Fun With Mama.
This simple letter G that you could use to Glue and Glitter to your heart's content!
Letter G giraffe template
If you need a Letter G Giraffe template for your letter G project, here is one I found from First Palette. (Bonus - it's FREE!)
Things that start with G for Show and Tell
I hope you do Show and Tell in class sometimes! Have them bring things that start with G for Show and Tell to teach the letter. Homeschooling parents, you can find a creative way to do this too! Maybe have your child hunt for something to "show" you from outside.
Here's a list of Letter G ideas to throw out to the kids and parents:
- Giraffe stuffed animal
- Gorilla, goose, or
- Gloves
- Grandma 🙂
- Pair of Glasses
- Guitar
- Gingerbread cookies
- Grapes or Goldfish
- A REAL goldfish!
- Globe
- Bottle of Glue
- Graham crackers
- Grasshopper
Oh boy, this could get interesting!
Letter G games
Do you already happen to have any Games that start with the Letter G for Letter G games day?
If not, you can always play Goldfish and grab the deck on your way to school in the morning. They are sold at Walgreens and every Walmart.
Here are some other ideas:
Letter G poems
There are lots of very silly Letter G poems out there! Use poetry to help increase your child's fluency skills right from the start.
You can choose a Giraffe poem to teach the soft letter sound of G, like this one I found from Miss Barger's Second Grade Class,
and you can also choose a poem about Grapes (here's one from DLTK) to teach the hard letter sound of G.
Quick Public Service Announcement! Are you teaching the alphabet your kiddos? I just put up some fun activities and games for alphabet learners. And I bundled many of them together for only a few dollars. Posted here for you!
Letter G Books
Did you know that Shel Silverstein wrote a Letter G book? It's called A Giraffe and a Half! I'll link to it below with some other Letter G books ideas.
Letter G sensory activities
Get all the senses involved with a sensory bin or anything that engages a child's senses!
In a sensory bin, you could include large gumballs, grapes, gummy bears, grass clippings, goldfish crackers or even something gooey.
You can also cook or bake with your child things that start with the letter G, such as guacamole, ginger snap cookies, green beans, green eggs and ham, graham crackers, granola, or even a gumbo soup.
Find things that even smell like the letter G (Geraniums, Ginger, or again, Grass clippings). Guess the smell with your eyes closed!
Letter G worksheets
When your alphabet-learner is ready for a little review, feel free to download the FREE printable G! It's included with all other letters of the alphabet. Bonus! Click on the printable below to grab these:
Letter G Videos
Be sure to have on hand some great Letter G videos for those down times, or when you just need a break, or your little one need some relaxing time while learning too.
Here are a few additional fun videos to watch! These are shared from YouTube:
Letter G Activities for Preschoolers, for Kindergarten, and for toddlers too..
Letter G has been a GIGANTIC hit! I hope you enjoy teaching this fun letter, get creative with your kids, and have great success with the alphabet.
Until Letter H!

Table of Contents
- Letter G preschool songs
- Letter G gross motor activities
- Letter G crafts for preschoolers, toddlers, kindergarteners
- Things that start with G for Show and Tell
- Letter G games
- Letter G poems
- Letter G Books
- Letter G sensory activities
- Letter G worksheets
- Letter G Videos
- Letter G Activities for Preschoolers, for Kindergarten, and for toddlers too..