Teaching the Letter A to Your Beginning Reader - The Ultimate Guide for ALL You Need to Know - Activities, Printables, Songs About the Letter A & Letter A Crafts PLUS Free Letter A Printables - Oh My!
Welcome to the alphabet! Finding activities for teaching the Letter A is one of the first steps towards learning the entire alphabet. When you are teaching your student anything, you will always want to engage the 5 senses so that the concept is really ingrained.
SO that means finding activities that include touch, sound, sight, hearing, and maybe even engaging the scent of an (A)pple pie 🙂
I've put together a list of the best resources I could find on the internet to help you in your quest, plus a free Letter A worksheet (courtesy of me!). Enjoy!
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Letter A Crafts for 2 Year Olds
Since young ones are really into touching and feeling to learn the world around them, I'll include in this section some great hands-on activities and Letter A crafts for 2 year olds (and really for any age!) to learn.
I'm thinking sticky, slimy, gooey, bubbly and squishy Letter A here!
Some ideas:
If you have a sand box, or a sand table, help your child trace the Letter A .
These squishy soft giant alphabet puzzles are great for little learners!
Combine bath time with learning the Letter A using foam soap or finger paints:
✅ Letter A Printables (Plus grab your Letter A Printables FREE here!)
Check out the many, many, MANY free printables you can find on Google or Pinterest. While Letter A worksheets and printables should not be your ONLY method of teaching the alphabet, they are still very useful for practicing print and cursive letter A, and for coloring and reading letters too.
Here are a few of my favorites to get you started, as well as a freebie from me!
Colorable Alligator Letter A by education.com
Letter A Tracing with Ambulance Sheet by first-school
Free Printable Road Letter A by Gift of Curiosity
Letter Identification Printable Worksheets for Letter A by Over the Big Moon
⭐️ Pssst! While you are here, you may want to check out our complete ABCmouse review!
Songs About the Letter A
Check out these songs you can learn with your child all about the Letter A! I found several, but after some review these are the ones I would pick:
Letter A Books
Make sure you have Letter A Books and other alphabet books in your child's library at home! Seeing the letters in print and in the context of actual physical books is important for kids to connect the letters to reading in books.
Letter A Activities for 3 Year Olds
As your child grows older, expand their activities and find ways to introduce letters by engaging more of their senses. In addition to songs and tactile activities that will teach the Letter A, you can get your kids up and MOVING to really learn!
A few ideas:
- Letter A Scavenger Hunt - Give your child a bag with a list of pictures and words written on it that start with the Letter A. See how many items your child can collect!
- Letter A Dancing! - While you are watching the Letter A songs and videos above (and below), dance it out! You can dance with your child while you both sing about the Letter A.
- Letter A Relay - Grab a few items that start with the letter A (apple, acorn, airplane toy, etc.) and do a relay balancing these items back and forth across a room)
- Make letter A items in the kitchen! (Bowl of Applejacks, Apple Pie, Angel cake, etc.)
Letter A Template
Be sure to download your free printable Letter A printable from me because it also includes a Letter A Template (plus letter A activities)! Meanwhile, here are a few other templates you could try:
Free Printable Block Upper Case Letter A from The Spruce Crafts
Free Printable Block Upper and Lower Case Letter A from DLTK-Teach
Capital Letter A Tracing Sheet from worksheetfun.com
Letter A Activities for Kindergarten
Combine all the senses together to solidify learning of the alphabet for Kindergarten students. You can play games, create works of art, sing songs, dance, write and draw the letter A and all the alphabet!
Here are some fun games to try:
Another idea: Let your child be the teacher! Grab a handy white erase board with magnetic alphabet letters. Stuffed animals can be the students, or maybe you can get in on the imaginative play, too!
Letter A Crafts
So many to choose from! You could:
Make an "A"lligator
Or a Spoon "A"nt 🙂 (You can do this from a cut out upside down egg carton too!)
Grab the 'ol crafting box and let your kid's imagination run wild with creating something that starts with the letter "A".
One more idea would be to grab a bunch of old throw-away magazines and have your child cut out all the letter "A's" he can find, plus anything that starts with the letter A. Then he can glue them all onto a construction sheet.
If you do this for every letter of the alphabet and collect them into a scrapbook or notebook, you could have a very cool "Alphabet Journal" to keep forever!
More Letter A Videos
Letter A Videos I found for you online - Sesame Street and Funtastic TV!
I hope these give you some great ideas for teaching the Letter A!
The free Letter A printable from me is in .pdf format so that you can print as you like or download for easy access. Just CLICK HERE to get it and I'll zip it over to you!
And now you can head right over to our Letter B Page full of great ideas!

Table of Contents
- Letter A Crafts for 2 Year Olds
- ✅ Letter A Printables (Plus grab your Letter A Printables FREE here!)
- Songs About the Letter A
- Letter A Books
- Letter A Activities for 3 Year Olds
- More Letter Pages to Check Out for Activities, Crafts, Worksheets, Printables and More Great Ideas..
- Letter A Template
- Letter A Activities for Kindergarten
- Letter A Crafts
- More Letter A Videos