How to Hide Boom Cards

Hiding Boom deck cards

Some decks are able to "hide" cards, and some are not.

If you've purchased an activity that contains a Table of Contents at the beginning, then Boom will not allow for hiding of cards. If you try, it will give you an error message that "this deck uses flow magic".

So, I've created a workaround! I created a duplicate activity, just without the table of contents. I can share this deck with you if you would like to use it for your students in order to "hide" cards to be more specific. Here are the steps to take for me to share this duplicate deck with you:

1. Send me an e-mail at letting me know that you would like to have access to be able to hide cards (please confirm for which activity) and send me the exact e-mail address you used to create a Boom account.

2. I'll have an invitation sent to you via e-mail. Click to accept this invitation to "connect with a colleague".

3. Once you accept this invitation, I'll share a new deck with you and it will show up in your library. It will not contain the Table of Contents.

From here, you can hide cards. To learn how to hide cards, go here.