The books below are all ones have read (probably over and over!) to my own kids and have always loved, and many of them are classic children's books (by age). I have included popular elementary book series that we have always loved also.
These are Amazon affiliate links (when you click and purchase I get a small portion but at no cost to you!) - I like to buy books through Amazon, or head over to my local library to grab a few. Enjoy these classics to read with kids who you teach and love!

Early Reading - Pre-readers and very early readers
Upper Elementary
Early Elementary
Support an independent author! Here are some great books recommended to me - I have not read them all, so check them out first to see if they would be a good fit for you.
Make sure that you pick out wonderful children’s books for your at-home library! Be sure to check out some of these children’s books written by independent children’s authors.
These are Amazon affiliate links (when you click and purchase I get a small portion but at no cost to you!) – I like to buy books through Amazon, or head over to my local library to grab a few. Enjoy these classics to read with kids who you teach and love!
Akea – The Power of Destiny by Elizabeth Jade Born into a family of sled dogs, Akea’s life should have followed a predictable path, but from the day she first saw the lone wolf, Akea knew her future lay beyond the safety of her home. Kazakh was well aware of Akea’s destiny and the pack laws he would break to help her reach it. Regardless of the challenges ahead, he knew he must help this young husky to be ready, no matter what the cost.
Find Your Happy: A Kid’s Self Love Book by Patricia May Endorsed by Anita Moorjani, New York Times Best selling author of “Dying to be Me” found this book to be a helpful guide for children of all ages. Find your Happy offers kids the tools needed to create a more pleasant daily experience. Full of practices and exercises, kids will enjoy learning and doing these tasks while feeling more relaxed, inspired and confident.
My Special Mind by Laura Day and Trey Day My mind is always with me, thinking, and creating fun things to do and see. That’s what’s so special about me.” All too often children with ADHD feel as if the focus is always on correcting or highlighting the negative behaviors associated with having ADHD. Having ADHD can be fun, exciting, and adventurous.
En busca de la paz by Tere Rodriguez-Nora Andre, a very curious little boy, is in search of an answer to the question What is peace? What is it made of ? What does it feel like? The answers come to him in a dream in which his grandfather appears and teaches him that peace is wonderful and can be
Rainbow Monsters, by Sylva Fae On a mixed up rainy, sunny day, The rainbow monsters love to play. Jump on a cloud and join the rainbow monsters in their fun and games. Come and meet each of the monsters and learn the colours of the rainbow.
The Adventures Of Snook And Gator: Snook Meets A Buddy by Tara A. Rocker In this story, Snook has been given the important job of being a Buddy to her classmate who is mainstreaming into a traditional education classroom. Snook has never heard of Autism, but quickly learns that she can be a good leader and friend to her Buddy.
Aiden, the Basketball Star! by Suzan Johnson This book is the sequel to Aiden, the Soccer Star! He’s back, and this time Aiden is playing a new sport, basketball! Although Aiden enjoys the game, he is not sure that his skills are strong enough to make the team. He seeks the help of his friend to improve certain ball techniques. Will it work? Find out if Aiden’s hands will help him become a basketball star!
Kate and Caboodle by Jerri J. Pirc Picture book about Kate who moves with her large family of birds and animals. They have grown too big for their house, but can she fit them all in her old red truck for the move?
Reins of Love, by Laurie Salisbury Nine-year-old twins Beth and Ben Chamberlain are moving to a home in the country. Beth’s dream of owning a horse could finally be coming true. For Beth, moving is everything she has ever wanted. Ben might be a twin, but his feelings about the move couldn’t be more mixed. Sure, there’s a big yard and a barn, with all kinds of exciting possibilities. But, what if all of Beth’s dreams come true, and the only thing he gets is the short end of the stick? The siblings must learn to let God take control of the reins of their hearts before everything is lost.
Pharaoh’s Arrow by George Neeb Kids love learning about history with picture books. Akia lives in an oasis with her father until a tragedy causes her to journey to Memphis and confront Almighty Pharaoh. Come visit Ancient Egypt in a tale told in rhyming couplets, where authentic hieroglyphics and historic papyrus paintings come to life. Ages 8 – 11 or any Egyptology fan!
Angels Are God’s Helpers by Shelly Morrow Whitenburg “Angels are kind, patient, and full of God’s light and love. They are here to assist you from way up above.” This sweet early reader is written in a captivating rhyme and it helps children to know that they are not alone in life and that it is important to ask God for help. This is a message that is so helpful in today’s world!
Awesome Alex’s Big Book of Spanish Puzzles for Kids – Volume 1 by Siskia Lagomarsino & Erik Zidowecki Awesome Alex does many awesome things, like running real fast in a hamster ball or climbing all the way to the highest tower of the hamster house… but the most awesome of them all is speaking many languages! Why, Alex is even learning Spanish right now!
The Girl in the Abbey by Jessica Collett Bramlingham Abbey sits alone and isolated, crumbling from neglect, hidden from sight by an ever-expanding jungle of vegetation. Violet Cobb, a fearless girl from the coastal town of Grimsby, is left on the doorstep – moved from her home during Operation Pied Piper, designed to keep the children of England safe during the bombing raids of World War Two.
Olivia Lauren’s A Guide to the Things We Wear by Melissa-Sue John is an introduction to the different things we wear. Olivia Lauren and her friends explore when, where, and why we wear the things we do. Children will increase their vocabulary and curiosity about fashion, tradition, culture, safety, and the significance of clothing.
Fresja and the Magical Mirror by Jenny Braun Fresja and her friends discover the magic of finding the strengths and beauty that are within every one of us. A beautifully illustrated story for children (and adults) of all ages, with lessons in self-love and self-acceptance, that will carry the reader on butterfly wings and help us all, especially when we are feeling “gron-jed”.
Chuckie Makes Mistakes (Sometimes) by Amy Myers Jensen is a book that explains how hard it can be to always be on your best behavior. However, with a few reminders, we can learn to be more considerate and kind to others. EVEN CHUCKIE! Chuckie the Chocolate Lab is an extremely handsome and sometimes mischievous dog who loves to be the center of attention. He’s the youngest of his siblings, and they often get frustrated with his silly antics.
Sally the Crab by Lauren Dragon A tale of friendship and courage. Sally is a hermit crab that must go on a search for a new home after outgrowing her shell and she must do this while dealing with the fact that her best friend had to move away. This book explores how to cope with life’s changes, as well as the value of friendship. Educational and entertaining, as children will learn what various sea creatures do for homes. Follow this graceful crab on her marvelous adventure!
Make sure that you pick out wonderful children’s books for your at-home library! Be sure to check out some of these children’s books written by independent children’s authors.
These are Amazon affiliate links (when you click and purchase I get a small portion but at no cost to you!) – I like to buy books through Amazon, or head over to my local library to grab a few. Enjoy these classics to read with kids who you teach and love!
Akea – The Power of Destiny by Elizabeth Jade Born into a family of sled dogs, Akea’s life should have followed a predictable path, but from the day she first saw the lone wolf, Akea knew her future lay beyond the safety of her home. Kazakh was well aware of Akea’s destiny and the pack laws he would break to help her reach it. Regardless of the challenges ahead, he knew he must help this young husky to be ready, no matter what the cost.
Find Your Happy: A Kid’s Self Love Book by Patricia May Endorsed by Anita Moorjani, New York Times Best selling author of “Dying to be Me” found this book to be a helpful guide for children of all ages. Find your Happy offers kids the tools needed to create a more pleasant daily experience. Full of practices and exercises, kids will enjoy learning and doing these tasks while feeling more relaxed, inspired and confident.
My Special Mind by Laura Day and Trey Day My mind is always with me, thinking, and creating fun things to do and see. That’s what’s so special about me.” All too often children with ADHD feel as if the focus is always on correcting or highlighting the negative behaviors associated with having ADHD. Having ADHD can be fun, exciting, and adventurous.
En busca de la paz by Tere Rodriguez-Nora Andre, a very curious little boy, is in search of an answer to the question What is peace? What is it made of ? What does it feel like? The answers come to him in a dream in which his grandfather appears and teaches him that peace is wonderful and can be
Rainbow Monsters, by Sylva Fae On a mixed up rainy, sunny day, The rainbow monsters love to play. Jump on a cloud and join the rainbow monsters in their fun and games. Come and meet each of the monsters and learn the colours of the rainbow.
The Adventures Of Snook And Gator: Snook Meets A Buddy by Tara A. Rocker In this story, Snook has been given the important job of being a Buddy to her classmate who is mainstreaming into a traditional education classroom. Snook has never heard of Autism, but quickly learns that she can be a good leader and friend to her Buddy.
Aiden, the Basketball Star! by Suzan Johnson This book is the sequel to Aiden, the Soccer Star! He’s back, and this time Aiden is playing a new sport, basketball! Although Aiden enjoys the game, he is not sure that his skills are strong enough to make the team. He seeks the help of his friend to improve certain ball techniques. Will it work? Find out if Aiden’s hands will help him become a basketball star!
Kate and Caboodle by Jerri J. Pirc Picture book about Kate who moves with her large family of birds and animals. They have grown too big for their house, but can she fit them all in her old red truck for the move?
Reins of Love, by Laurie Salisbury Nine-year-old twins Beth and Ben Chamberlain are moving to a home in the country. Beth’s dream of owning a horse could finally be coming true. For Beth, moving is everything she has ever wanted. Ben might be a twin, but his feelings about the move couldn’t be more mixed. Sure, there’s a big yard and a barn, with all kinds of exciting possibilities. But, what if all of Beth’s dreams come true, and the only thing he gets is the short end of the stick? The siblings must learn to let God take control of the reins of their hearts before everything is lost.
Pharaoh’s Arrow by George Neeb Kids love learning about history with picture books. Akia lives in an oasis with her father until a tragedy causes her to journey to Memphis and confront Almighty Pharaoh. Come visit Ancient Egypt in a tale told in rhyming couplets, where authentic hieroglyphics and historic papyrus paintings come to life. Ages 8 – 11 or any Egyptology fan!
Angels Are God’s Helpers by Shelly Morrow Whitenburg “Angels are kind, patient, and full of God’s light and love. They are here to assist you from way up above.” This sweet early reader is written in a captivating rhyme and it helps children to know that they are not alone in life and that it is important to ask God for help. This is a message that is so helpful in today’s world!
Awesome Alex’s Big Book of Spanish Puzzles for Kids – Volume 1 by Siskia Lagomarsino & Erik Zidowecki Awesome Alex does many awesome things, like running real fast in a hamster ball or climbing all the way to the highest tower of the hamster house… but the most awesome of them all is speaking many languages! Why, Alex is even learning Spanish right now!
The Girl in the Abbey by Jessica Collett Bramlingham Abbey sits alone and isolated, crumbling from neglect, hidden from sight by an ever-expanding jungle of vegetation. Violet Cobb, a fearless girl from the coastal town of Grimsby, is left on the doorstep – moved from her home during Operation Pied Piper, designed to keep the children of England safe during the bombing raids of World War Two.
Olivia Lauren’s A Guide to the Things We Wear by Melissa-Sue John is an introduction to the different things we wear. Olivia Lauren and her friends explore when, where, and why we wear the things we do. Children will increase their vocabulary and curiosity about fashion, tradition, culture, safety, and the significance of clothing.
Fresja and the Magical Mirror by Jenny Braun Fresja and her friends discover the magic of finding the strengths and beauty that are within every one of us. A beautifully illustrated story for children (and adults) of all ages, with lessons in self-love and self-acceptance, that will carry the reader on butterfly wings and help us all, especially when we are feeling “gron-jed”.
Chuckie Makes Mistakes (Sometimes) by Amy Myers Jensen is a book that explains how hard it can be to always be on your best behavior. However, with a few reminders, we can learn to be more considerate and kind to others. EVEN CHUCKIE! Chuckie the Chocolate Lab is an extremely handsome and sometimes mischievous dog who loves to be the center of attention. He’s the youngest of his siblings, and they often get frustrated with his silly antics.
Sally the Crab by Lauren Dragon A tale of friendship and courage. Sally is a hermit crab that must go on a search for a new home after outgrowing her shell and she must do this while dealing with the fact that her best friend had to move away. This book explores how to cope with life’s changes, as well as the value of friendship. Educational and entertaining, as children will learn what various sea creatures do for homes. Follow this graceful crab on her marvelous adventure!
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