
How to Read: a Kick-Start for Beginners of Any Age

How to Read: the book!

Book One of the How to Read books is a "reader" of sorts for very beginning readers.  50 of the first "Fry" words as well as the acclaimed Dolch word lists used as a benchmark for children in the public school setting are included.

A great resource for preschool kids who are ready to read or homeschooling families with children who have a desire to begin reading.  Knowledge of most letters of the English alphabet and their corresponding sounds should be known before beginning these lessons.

Each day the student engages in a new lesson, only one new page a day, with review of previous lessons before if desired/needed.

Enjoy watching your student take off into the exciting world of reading!


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How to Read Book Two: a Kick-Start for Beginners of Any Age

How to Read: Book Two

Book Two is IN THE WORKS!

A  continuation of sight words, including the next 50 from the Fry Word list in addition to the Dolch words, as required in public schools.  Your child will build upon the foundation he or she has achieved from Book One, and continue to gain a strong basic reading vocabulary necessary for strong literacy!

Reviews about How to Read: a Kick-Start for Beginners of Any Age
Reviews about How to Read: a Kick-Start for Beginners of Any Age
Reviews about How to Read: a Kick-Start for Beginners of Any Age
Reviews about How to Read: a Kick-Start for Beginners of Any Age

Want some great tips and resources to teach your child to read?

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Author - Amy Brotherman

Amy is a former educator with a degree in interdisciplinary elementary education. She lives with her husband Mike and their three children Daniel, Bellamy, and Sam in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Her parents taught her to read using the method employed in her newly published book How to Read: a Kick-Start for Beginners of Any Age, which she has in turn used to teach her own children.

She enjoys spending time with her family, teaching Jazzercise (, mentoring adoptive families and birthmothers with Crisis Pregnancy Outreach (, and hanging out with the family Golden Retriever Annie.

Amy Brotheman