Thank you so much for your purchase of the Sweet Sight Word Bundle!
All your activities are below.
Two things to know:
1) Some activites are printables (to print at home or school for use) and some are digital BOOM deck cards (for use on your electronic devices). The indicated digital activities will lead you to the BOOM learning site, where you will need to create a (free) account to use the activity. (If Boom asks for a redemption code, you can enter your name.)
2) You might notice that the activities below are divided into TWO SECTIONS. Some activities are meant for instruction time. This is the way to introduce and teach the high frequency words alongside your phonics curriculum, using phoneme-grapheme activities. Other activities are meant for reinforcement and practice. Make sure you INSTRUCT the words with your phonics curriculum, breaking down by phonemes, before you practice & reinforce them.
Click on the item below you would like to open. If you would like instructions on the simplest way to use your digital activities, click here.
Section One - Tools for use as you TEACH the high frequency words:
Section Two - Tools for PRACTICING the high frequency words:
BONUS! - Sight Words Made Simple daily lessons printable workbook:
Teachers, if you would like to use your Boom cards in Google Classroom you can CLICK HERE for instructions.
If you would like to use your Boom cards in SeeSaw, you can CLICK HERE for instructions.
If you would like to assign only certain cards in one of the digital activities (you do this by HIDING the other cards), you can learn how to do that HERE.
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