Free Printable Shamrock Bookmarks & More - Great for St. Patrick's Day Readers!
Free printable shamrock bookmarks (and several other types of St. Patrick's bookmarks) that you can use for gifts or creative activities! Free for all parents, teachers, kids & readers of all shapes and sizes. These fun bookmarks are JUST what you need to print out to encourage kids to READ!
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In a hurry? Go ahead and grab the bookmarks:
And now on to the printable shamrock bookmark designs (handmade & great for lots of occasions)!
A bookmark is a great idea for many reasons.
These bookmarks designed with quotes for St. Patrick's Day:
- Can be personalized,
- Aren't expensive (hint: teachers! ..or librarians!),
- Are easy to print at home,
- Are perfect for kid's parties or school,
- Can double as a creative gift tag for gifts,
- Encourage reading!
Teacher's Tip: Make printable St. Patrick's bookmarks something special! Something to aim for as an incentive or a treat at the end of a long week.
Recommended Article: 21 Perfect Gift Ideas & Activities for Struggling Readers
I hope you enjoy these easy free printable Shamrock & St. Patrick's Day bookmark gift ideas!
These bookmark designs, handmade, are in .pdf format so that you can print as you like or download for easy access. Just CLICK HERE to enter your e-mail and I'll zip it over to you!
Another idea: Learn how to make corner bookmarks & create these cute little shamrock corner bookmarks I found on YouTube!
If you need some crafting projects or ideas to do with your child and you are considering bookmarks anyway, you might consider learning how to make corner bookmarks!
Once you learn, you can use those beautiful creations to make your own St. Patrick's Day bookmarks to enjoy looking at as you read!
Check out this cute DIY video I found on YouTube for shamrock corner bookmarks - Enjoy 🙂
Maybe that video will help stir some ideas for bookmarks in computer .pdf printable format or just ideas for designs for all kinds of cute bookmarks!
Once you learn how to make bookmarks or the cute corner kind, you can use those beautiful creations to make your own free printable St. Patrick's bookmarks (or any holiday) to hold your place as you read!
Disney corner bookmarks
More ideas for bookmarks! >>> Check out this Disney family website to print out some cute Disney corner bookmarks..
Let me know if there are any other gift ideas you have for our beginning readers in the comments below!

P.S. Don't forget to grab those fun free printable St. Patrick's Day bookmarks for kids! 🙂 CLICK HERE and they are yours!
Remember, they can be a great gift, something to pass out, or bookmarks to make with your kids at home.
I'd love some feedback! Let me know how these worked for you in the comments below!