A list of Homeschooling Blogs that I have found to be inspirational, helpful & resourceful - or all three!
A Helping Hand Homeschool- Regularly updated and helpful to homeschooling blog posts with lots of freebies and resources! Some great ideas for homeschooling moms who choose to work from home.
The Clever Classroom - Great teaching resources, especially for reading with lots of great freebies. Emphasis on Kindergarten and First Grade.
Cornerstone Confessions - An easy-to-navigate site with lots of great posts on specific lessons and themes to go for. Lately she's been posting great geography lesson posts..
Free Homeschool Deals - Okay, not so much a blog with posts to read per se, but a great resource for freebies, deals and printables galore!
The Homeschool Experiment - Based upon her witty and enlightening novel, Charity Hopkins has some great posts on the everyday of homeschooling. Definitely worth a peek! She also posts on her Facebook page sometimes if you like her style 🙂
Lit Mama - Educating with a fire for literature. You know I gotta love this! (Being a website on literacy and all, ya know?) She ties in a love for literature into her schooling with lots of great posts and resources.
Homeschool On - This mama of 5 has drawn me in with her great posts. Easy to get lost in and readable for encouragement!
Hip Homeschool Moms - Quite a robust site with about every homeschool question you may have answered! Very nice site with homeschooling encouragement and resources for everyone.
Well-Planned Gal - Veteran homeschool mom who has lots of her own resources for you.. Head over to her Blog area for some great reading, too!
Homeschool Den - Simple, not frilly website with tons of great resources for your homeschooling journey! Take a look around and see if anything here catches you..